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Residential Program Description

Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services assists youth in learning new ways to take responsibility for their choices and develop a positive self-concept, enabling them to aspire to have hopes, dreams, and work toward a happy, meaningful, and successful life. Pathway to Everyday Life prepares young adults for an independent successful and productive adult life. Critical components of our program include individual attention, recreational outing activities, strengthening family relationships,  behavioral support and outsource services for therapeutic intervention, tutoring, and individual/group therapy.

Our program is designed to identify protective factors that promote resilience, including psychological strengths within the youth, as well as positive family and community interactions. Our program looks to address many of the long-lasting impacts of trauma including, but not limited to affective regulation, cognitive coping, social relational skills, and community living skills.  By working collaboratively with their families, staff and professionals, youths are empowered to work to overcome their trauma, and establish the use of their voice to build a happy, healthy life and future.  Additionally, we look to improve the family/caregiver’s perceived distress and help to improve effective parenting skills, enhance communication skills, and build supportive interactions in the community and at home.     


Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services is designed to treat and meet the needs of youths who require or can benefit from a program offering a structured and less restrictive family style environment. Pathway will provide a wide range of activities and programs such as: teaching cooking skills, budgeting, and teaching day to day living.   


Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services respects the identified sexuality of our youth, including those who identify as transgendered, gender fluid, and non-binary. 


Pathway to Everyday Life provides twenty-four-hour care. Transitional is open for youth ages 16-21 and Supervised Independent Living is open for youth ages 18 - 21.  With the recommendation of the court, county, or management of Pathway to Everyday Life, 1:1 supervision is available. The criteria of 1:1 is based off history of elopement, aggressive tendencies, and kleptomania tendencies. Criteria for admission into the facility is based on how we can build the youth upward, master coping skills, eliminate triggers and enhance the individual. If the youth have tendencies of elopement, and fire setting, they will be ineligible for admission into the facility. 

Admission Criteria

Admission Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services, Inc. is determined on an individual basis, without discrimination to race, color, creed, handicap, sex or national origin. Referrals are accepted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from various human service agencies, as well as individual families.


Pathway to Everyday Life will conduct a SIL/TL assessment of each youth prior to admission to evaluate and assess the youth’s ability to participate in this program.  With focus on young adults who have been adjudicated dependent or delinquent to the county and meet the eligibility requirements for Independent Living Services. Youth must be approaching 16 years of age, participate in life skills training and be committed to obtaining further education with the intent to become self-sufficient.


Young adults who may not be appropriate for our SIL  program are individuals who have academic issues, behavioral issues, and criminal history. Pathway to Everyday Life will assess each referral prior to placement to evaluate and assess the youth’s ability to participate in this program.  With focus on young adults who have been adjudicated dependent or delinquent to the county and meet the eligibility requirements for Independent Living Services. Youth must be approaching 16 years of age, participate in life skills training and be committed to obtaining further education with the intent to become self-sufficient.


Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services, Inc. is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Children Youth and Families  under Chapter 3800 Child Residential and Day Treatment Facilities 


It is the goal of Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services Inc. to provide the least restrictive education setting to the youth residing in our program. Each youth is evaluated to determine his/her needs and readiness to attend school in a community setting. 

The staff at Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services, Inc. maintain consistent contact with guidance counselors and teachers to ensure success in academic endeavors and school behavior.


Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services, Inc. utilizes the existing resources of the community in which we are part. This includes the YMCA, churches, athletic complexes, movie theatres, state parks, library and other cultural events within the community.  All children also have access to variety of indoor activities.


Pathway to Everyday Life Human Services, Inc. has a highly qualified team of administrative and child care staff. It is the goal of our staff to provide a supportive environment in which each youth may find success in developing positive behaviors. Our staff works closely with referring agencies, families and other supportive services to ensure continuity of care.

Our highly qualified administrative and child care staff consists of: Administration and Child Care Workers  holding, at minimum, a high school diploma and at least one (1) years experiences in the human service and/or child care  field. Support staff have degrees, college credits and/or experience in the human service and/or child care field.

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